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Oh Sew Peachy

Oh sew peachy is how I'm feeling!!  I have had overwhelming support so far in the Martha Stewart American Made contest.  You have all pulled through in a HUGE way!!  In order to keep moving up in the polls, Whip It Good Cookies needs YOUR vote!  Please take a minute to vote here
After you vote, come back and tell me what number vote you were for a chance to win your choice of one of these custom hats from my friend Kari of Oh Sew Peachy
Kari is an awesome Mom to two boys and small business owner right here in Houston as well.  For the guys, vote to win one of these and give it to your favorite gal. ;)
You can earn and extra entry for "liking" Whip It Good Cookies on Facebook and for tweeting about the contest. 

VOTE, share, email and tweet today to move Whip It Good Cookies to the top!  Thank you cookie lovers!  XOXO

a Rafflecopter giveaway