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2nd Birthday | Cookieversary

September marks the 2nd year of my sweet adventure.  Is it a birthday or anniversary?  I like cookieversary. :)

I made my first cookie in September of 2010.  When I was still on maternity leave with my youngest monkey, I started stalking discovered party blogs.  I remember seeing a picture of a decorated cookie and thinking to myself, "I would LOVE to try that."  I found inspiration from Bridget from Bake at 350 and Callye from The Sweet Adventures of Sugarbelle.  I studied their blogs and bought some supplies to try it myself. 

After I made these, I was hooked and so proud!! (Circles can be really hard to pipe by the way!)

Like so many other mom's that I know, I always thought it would be nice to have a plan B; something that I could work towards so that I could spend more time with my kiddos.  Fast forward 2 years and I am a finalist in a Martha Stewart contest.  I have learned SO much and come SO far in a short while. 

This month, I am going to highlight the awesome people that have made all of this possible for me.  I hope you will stay tuned for the month-long celebration!